
Showing posts from 2017

The Harmful Effect of Blue Light from Phones, Laptops, Computers, Tabs and TVs

Bright light are dangerous to the naked unprotected human eyes. We stare at our Laptops, tabs, computers and phones for hours. We do watch are favourite addictive TV programs for hours too. Have u ever though the bright lights called Blue light rays emitting from these devices could be dangerous to your eyes? Yes, They could make you go blind! A lot of some us take precautions against the UV rays of the sun but forget long hours spent in frontse of the screens can cause long-term damage to the naked eyes eventually causing blindness. Now, a little bit of science and my research shows Blue Light rays is made up of electromagnetic particles that travel in waves.  These waves emit energy, and range in length and strength. The shorter the wavelength; the higher the energy. The length of the waves is measured in nanometers (nm), with 1 nanometer equaling 1 billionth of a meter.  Every wavelength is represented by a different colour, and is grouped into the following categories: